Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Iraq is a True Success Story

So with the fifth year passing after the American-led invasion of Iraq, president Bush claimed that America cannot cut and leave and must "win" the war.

My question is what is there to win in this war?

I believe that anyone who thinks that the Iraqi situation will get under control any time soon is naive.

In my view Iraq needed someone like Saddam Hussein to dictate.

The Iraqi people have always been in war throughout history, and the fact that both Shiites and Sunni's share a same land creates conflict.

This conflict was under control before the U.S. invasion and with the removal of Saddam the situation exploded.

I think that the Iraq war was by all means a terrible decision and is monumental failure.

If anything it created more terrorism and planted more seeds for future generations of terrorists.

Iraqi's are worse of now than they were with Saddam and that is something to think about.

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's have died throughout the war and it seems that their blood is cheap.

We will see what comes out from this war. And what exactly is to be won sometime in the future.

Until then, Iraq will be drenched in blood and experiencing one of the worst things a nation can face.

An invasion.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Economy is Just Dandy

While many top economists are arguing that the United States is in a recession, our President disagrees.

Bush tells America to "Go shopping more".

Bush expresses confidence in the American economy, and disagrees with economic experts.

Who is right?

Only time will tell.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How did the man get voted in twice?

From his "one finger salute of peace to mankind" to his many terrible speeches and blatant mistakes and his popular "bush-isms" I wonder how this man was voted into office twice.

I mean once is understandable. The people didn't know. But the second time they knew. And yet they still voted. Although there is some murk about the validity of the vote it seemed to work.

I feel that whom ever the next president may be is better than the current. However i DO believe they will suffer because of the bloody trail bush has left behind.