Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bush in Africa

President Bush has been in Africa lately. Trying to boost ravaged economies and attept to eradicate deadly but stoppable diseases in the region.

Is this an attempt for Mr. Dubya to redeem himself, and finally give something GOOD to the less fortunate people in the world?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bush Dumbya

While I do agree that some things are happening behind the curtain, this is not only unique to the American government. I personally believe that ALL governments in the world play behind the curtains, some more than others, but non the less all play the game. The problem is the average citizen will never really know what is going on under the curtains until the show is over. In other words, we only find out about the dirt in a government after a long time has passed and it is safe for the government to expose its faults. If a government were to expose their faults instantly as they happen, the citizens will lose faith in the government and chaos may result.

As to Bush, I am convinced that there were some hidden incentives for the war in Iraq. In my opinion, the decision to topple Saddam Hussien was made long before Bush was elected president. To me Bush is a mere puppet in a much bigger organization and force that drives most his decisions.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bush: Bushy eyebrowed fool...Or sneaky underdog Genius?

The latest president of the United States is probably hailed the worst president that ever took the White House. His foreign policy, his Iraq invasion, his incompetent speech giving, his inability to think quickly on his feet when confronted with tough questions, all add to his lack of credibility.

But, is Bush really as stupid as he is protrayed to be. Or is he actually much smarter than most people think.

Although I have no statistical evidence, (due to my inability to look at Bush's bank account) I am sure the war in Iraq has made President Bush one of the richest presidents America has ever had. Him, Cheney, and all the other cronaries have made millions off of the Iraq war, as they invested heavliy in war companies before the war began.

So then is George Dumbya really that dumb...Or is he just putting on an act until his wallet its reaches maximum capacity?